DOT Audits

Every new trucking company gets new entrant safety audit some time during the first 12 months of operation. We will help you document everything you need to pass your audit. Whether you have one vehicle or 500, Royal Trucker Taxes takes a practical approach in meeting your DOT compliance needs. We will work with you to identify your compliance needs and correct them. We will administrate your DOT compliance program for you. With the frequent changes in the DOT compliance requirements, we can be sure that you are kept up to date with the latest regulations.


Here are the different types of DOT audits:


New entrant safety audit (NESA): This usually takes place within the first 6 to 12 months of being in business. It's designed to ensure compliance with all required safety regulations

Compliance review: This one looks at your company’s safety performance & It makes sure you're following all DOT regulatory processes 

Security audit: This specifically looks at your safety plan, driver training, and company security measures

Hazardous material audit: It reviews hazardous material training, policy, shipping documentation, placards, markings, and container labeling


We will help you get ready by ensuring you have the right documents and information, and you’re fully prepared- including what to expect. We have led many other companies through DOT safety audits and we understand what the Department of Transportation is looking for. You want someone in your corner who is familiar with best practices in this situation.


We will help you with:


Demand letters: How to respond to any demand letters you receive, when to file responses and how to follow up

Pre-audit review: Getting together all your records related to vehicle maintenance, driver qualification and insurance

Audit assistance: Looking over your records to flag any possible issues before the audit occurs


It’s always best to be prepared as though you will be audited in the future, and that means keeping track of all the documents and filings to have on hand if that day ever arrives, to protect your drivers and your company.


You can’t afford to have your DOT number suspended. Put our expertise in DOT safety audits to work for your company to get DOT audit support, get assistance and be prepared. Contact us today for more information about how to properly organize your records and stay within compliance in the future.

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